Music as we all know is very important for some people. It not only keeps those people entertained, but also acts as therapy for them, when they need it. One cannot even count how long these people listen to music every year; gradually it helps them develop their tastes and likes towards the genre and helps them discover themselves as well. Right from early childhood, these people hum or sing and some of them even plan to learn a musical instrument or how to play piano as well. And if you are one of them, you should opt to take lessons in the age-old fashion, that is from an old piano teacher, who has years of experience behind him or her. Today, we would like to share with you some important tips, on how to choose the right piano lessons for your musical taste. Please read on and be well informed for the same, you would surely love it as much as we did when we penned this down for you.
First ask yourself if you really want to learn how to play piano or not? Is it your dream to learn the respective genre of music, or is it just because others are learning it, so you also want to follow the herd? If this is a dream which you would like to fulfill, by all means you should go ahead and learn it. Learning piano has no age limit, at any age you can indulge in learning the piano.
The next question which you should ask yourself when learning the piano is what instrument you would like to use when indulging in piano lessons? Don’t feel foolish by asking yourself this question, because you would have to use a piano to learn the lessons, wouldn’t you? But you need to know which kind of piano you should have to practice? Or should you instead invest in a cheaper option, such as an electronic keyboard for that matter?
Thirdly, ask, ask, o please ask, that’s what smart people do. What we mean by “asking” over here is to “ask” around for the right teacher who would help you learn how to play piano. What you should do is find out everything you can about the piano teacher’s background. Where he or she learnt his lessons from? For how many years have they been teaching the art to folks like you? If possible speak to the students they currently teach and you would get plenty of information about the piano teacher you wish to learn from.
Invest time when prioritizing on your piano lessons routine. What we mean by this is you don’t have to fill your timetable only with piano lessons, but balance your other activities with your lessons, so that there are no clashes, between your different activities. By doing this, you would have peace of mind and no interruptions whatsoever, allowing you to focus well on your lessons. Remember, piano lessons should be fun to engage in and shouldn’t be a task, which scares the daylight out of you and certainly not an exhaustive task.
And the last point we would like to share with you is to find out your dedication towards the art. Just because you fill up your timetable solely for the lessons, doesn’t mean you are dedicated. You need to pay attention and practice how to play piano lessons everyday. Relax yourself after a hot bath and before you wind up for the day; give yourself an hour to play. Wishing you luck with your piano lessons!
"You do not need to be a genius to learn the piano" :)